• Question: What's your favourite thing about being an engineer?

    Asked by 442heaq36 to Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Ellen, Andrea on 4 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by Shannon1010, 2456bubbles, 274heaq23.
    • Photo: Andrea Pacheco

      Andrea Pacheco answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Being able to solve problems to improve the quality life of all of us. I can imagine, create, re-create and develop machines and devices. I make this all with the help of my team, therefore I am learning new things every day.

    • Photo: Laura Farina

      Laura Farina answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Doing experiments! Practically doing tests to find out the results and elaborating them. Getting my hands on the things!

    • Photo: Ted Burke

      Ted Burke answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      My favourite thing about being an engineer is being able to take an idea from my imagination and turn it into reality. That and understanding how things work.

    • Photo: S S

      S S answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      that i can understand how the nature and also how the devices work .. and more imprtantly i can build them by myslef

    • Photo: Kevin OBrien

      Kevin OBrien answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      My favourite thing about being an engineer is diving challenging problems.
      You get the chance to really learn about a circuit or a system and everything that makes it work.
      You then have to figure out all the possible ways that it could go wrong that could lead to the situation or issue you’re trying to resolve.
      Once you’ve identified the problem, you have to figure out what made it happen.
      Was it a bad part, was it mishandled or damaged? How can you prevent it from happening again in future, through changing the design or possibly the process?
