• Question: Ted if your a teacher how can you do engineering as well

    Asked by Xx Ali Hugh xX to Ted on 5 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Ted Burke

      Ted Burke answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Good question!

      There are actually lots of opportunities to do engineering in my work as a teacher. I build some circuits and write some computer programs for use in class. For example, if my students are competing in some kind of robot time trial, I might build an electronic timer to record the results. Or if I’m teaching a class about waveforms, I might build an simple electronic music synthesizer to use for a demo. I also supervise a lot of student projects, so I often have to create examples to show them how to do things.

      As well as teaching, I do research in biomedical engineering. In that part of my job, I have to build prototype devices, analyse data, develop mathematical models, etc., all of which are aspects of engineering.
