• Question: Do u like being an engineer

    Asked by Danica 149 to Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Ellen, Andrea on 4 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by Molaga_ashley, 786heaq28, 699heaq28.
    • Photo: Ellen Simmons

      Ellen Simmons answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Yes I really do! The job is super varied and I feel that I have gained skills that are useful in a range of other professions, should I wish to switch in later life. Getting to work on real life products and problems is very rewarding!

    • Photo: Andrea Pacheco

      Andrea Pacheco answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Yes, it is great fun :). I am learning every day, I love to discover how light is so simple and complex at the same time. I find engineering an opportunity to be creative and to build up a career full of innovation and technological advance.

    • Photo: Laura Farina

      Laura Farina answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Yes, I really like it!!

    • Photo: Ted Burke

      Ted Burke answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I love being an engineer. If you’re interested in technology, comfortable with science/maths and you’re a creative person then you’ll probably love it too.

    • Photo: S S

      S S answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      yes i do

    • Photo: Kevin OBrien

      Kevin OBrien answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Yes, being an engineer is great fun.
      You get to meet and work with loads of interesting people, from a variety of backgrounds.
      There’s always something new to learn about and work on, and there’s a regular sense of achievement when you solve a difficult problem or complete a challenging project.
